Tips on Growing Strawberries

Growing Strawberries


Have you ever wanted to eat plump, delicious strawberries? Imagine the juicy and flavorful fruit that can be a treat to your taste buds. With this simple information, you can grow your own strawberries. Although growing strawberries may seem really simple, a person must know what to do or what to expect.

Some of the things that you must keep in mind before you start growing strawberries are:

· The type of plants that you have

· The space that you have

· The climate that you live in

· What you want to eat

· Your budget

The garden should have specific space requirements. Your strawberries should be planted in a place that has at least six hours of sunlight every day. They should also be grown in a fertile and rich soil. and they should be kept free from weeds. Having a good and rich soil is very important for the growth of a strawberries plant. You can also improve the soil’s fertility by practicing deep mulching.

Spacing is another factor when it comes to planting strawberries. Although a strawberries plant should be given enough space from three to six feet, doing so will still cause the plant to grow big. And, the spaces won’t be so large if you are space conscious. I have a friend who has limited space and grows her strawberries intertwined with outdoor wooden bar stools with backs. If you are interested in planting strawberries, then you have to know that they need to be grown in rows that are four feet apart. If you want your strawberries to not be overgrown, then you have to give them enough space when you plant them.

Being overgrown would be a nightmare for you. All of the fruits would be forced to bear fruits and would not be able to provide you with the amount of fruits that you would want. So, planting strawberries should be avoided if you want to have a good harvest. Additionally, you must make sure that the plants are well maintained. You have to make sure that they are getting the needed water and that they are not being attacked by pests or weeds. And, harvesting your manufactured fruits can only be done when they are in full color.

In case you want to grow strawberries, the most important tips that you must know are below:

· Strawberries can be planted anytime of the year but the best months are during spring and summer.

· You must choose a location that has a lot of sunlight.

· Organic and pesticide must be used to prevent diseases.

· Time and patience is needed to grow strawberries.

· You cannot plant strawberries in a place where you have filled your plot with spring bulbs.

· A hole that is 10 inches deep must be prepared before planting.

· The roots of the plant must be planted before digging.

· Fill the hole with fertile soil and rocky foundation preferable.

· Cover the roots with soil and rocks and water them to keep them stable.

· Water the plant as well.

· Finally, mound the soil around the base of the plant to make it even.

If you follow these easy tips, you can interval your harvest until the spring arrives every year.

Happy gardening!