What Seasons Mean to a Garden

tips for the seasons


It is humbling to realize that the seasons of time and the cycle of the year does not exist in a single bound but are in fact a sequence of events, each owned by an entire ecosystem which we call earth.

Each season has its own significance and player, whether it is the arrival of springtime to herald the new season or the Crimson cones of the tulip to signal the end of the vear, each has its own framing and significance.

What we know about the winter? The cold is a part of winter. The arrival of spring time is a time for the growing to complete and give being. The uprooting of the tired, dreary pastime and the successful starting of a new project e.t.c.

What we know about springtime? Spring is a time for the gardeners to wise up and to bring to their assistance what they have not yet Aware of. It is a time for planning and setting up the garden for the coming year. The seeds are being planted and the plants are being prepared for planting. The greenhouse and the hothouse are being prepared and set in their locations. The first bulbs are being placed and are beginning to sprout.

What we know of summer? The hot and sunny season is a time for the gardeners to eradicate the unwanted and Unruly. There are too many weed species and insect pests too Numerous that the gardeners must often use chemicals and pesticides. The garden can be beautiful but the use of pesticides and the mind and may possibly evenCreate a health hazard.

What we know of fall? As autumn ends and winter approaches the gardening becomes a little easier. There are still some jobs to be done as well but our focus for this season is on properly preparing the garden for winter. A tip I got from a friend who sells Swamp Mats and does gardening on the side told me, “Proper foundation of the garden should be made so as to enable the coming year to bring forth a rich harvest.” The spreading of evergreen hedges should be done. Now is a good time to remove the faded perennials and plant new ones.

Winter is a good time for digging up the garden and preparing it for a New Year. Part of this preparation is the removal of the spent roses. No floral devotees will advise dropping the time to plant new ones. I am not quite sure if this is permitted but we will have to take a look to see.

This is a good time to see if the garden need be divided and made into a new space. The cold winter will help to pull up the perennials and move them to a less exposed or protected area. The succession plantings need to be protected as the new growth before the winter months.

It is also a good time to look at the house to see what can be improved. Maybe the layout needs to be changed or the plants need to be moved or split for the winter. Now is a good time to add some new finishes to the existing look.

Winter is a great time to get out in the garden and preparation for the coming year. A garden can be a lets-all-sight level experience. Different feelings come along at different times of the year. Surprise, amazement, gratitude or mirth in the snow. It is a great time.