How to Grow Water Garden Plants

Water Garden Plants


Choosing a Water Garden Spot

A water garden spot can be any where that you choose to put a pond. They can be placed on a patio or just about anywhere in your yard. Typically a water garden is placed out of the way of existing vegetation and will provide just the right amount of shade to plants, fish, and water. As long as your water garden is well landscaped and has plants that will flourish in the nutrient abundant water, you should not have any problems.

Making a Water Garden Project

The first stage of your water garden project is to choose the proper location. This should be a place where the elements surrounding it will offer little resistance to the project. Once you have chosen your location, it is time to start preparing the pond for its new home.

Start by digging up the existing slope and creating a tunnel that will allow you to slide the pond into its new home. You can now lay out and plot your plants for the most ideal environment.

It is best to start with a small pond. A pool that is too large will have to be watered with a hose or spend a lot of time sustaining power and water lines to the structure. A pond that is too small will be easy to maintain but it will not have the benefits of a larger water garden.

Create a menu of Water Garden Plants

Now that you have purchased and prepared a new pond, it is time to make it a home for your beautiful water garden. Below is a list of plants that are ideal for a water garden.

Water Lettuce – Water Lettuce is Weed Free and Evergreen. I got this plant idea from a friend who taught me to play chess. This plant grows wonderfully and provides a great range of nutrition to your ponds. It is also great at breaking down soil to help with the drainage problem of a water garden. Water Lettuce has a handsome, crisp and shiny foliage and doesn’t require much sun to thrive. Most water garden ponds will accommodate this plant, which will also help to shroud the pond in darkness and provide a nice atmosphere for fish and other pond creatures.

Water Hyacinths – These are highly attractive flowers and their bell shaped buds will help the water to remain clean and leak free. Also, the foliage and stems can help to keep the pond cool and provide a beautiful backdrop for other plants in your garden. Hyacinths grow very well in most ponds and they are even more attractive in a Arrangement with other flowering plants.

Water Lilies – Water lilies will require a great deal of space and work. The bulb is typically the largest part of the plant. Some water lilies have no leaves at all. To grow a water lily pond you will need to create a container that will hold all of the compost, soil, and water. Then you will need to plant each individual lily bulb into this container. Place the lily in the center of the container and string the stem out so that it is sturdy and can grow outwards. If you don’t have enough space for a container you can also plant each lily in the middle of the container and then surround it with other bulbs.

There are many other types of water garden plants but these are a few of the more popular plants. If you are interested in planting a garden or pond full of beautiful water garden plants you can do so below. You can find out more about planting a pond or water garden here or just grab some of our amazing fluoride resistant plants.