Organic Gardening Tips

tips for organic gardening


Plants, vegetables, herbs, rhubarb, strawberries – you name it you can grow it in an organic garden. As you can see, these are fairly common items.

Plants, Flowers and Fruit – pretty much anything that comes from the earth can be grown organically. And, you will not need chemicals, or anything synthetic, to grow beautiful flowers and plants.

It is a fact that chemicals do damage to our plants in many cases, especially to plants leafing out of doors, or plants that are fed and watered with chemicals. So, it is wisest to go 100% organic when growing anything in your organic garden.

Of course, you can use natural methods to deal with bugs when needed. However, in many instances, there are also natural methods that can be used to control pests without killing the plant, and/or the wildlife that are beneficial to your garden.

The first method to control pests is to prevent them from getting to your plants in the first place. Mulching is a great way to do this, and has many benefits. For example, it prevents water splash on your plants, which can deter bugs. It will control fungus and dampness, which are often a major problem.

One more benefit of this method is that it can encourage natural predators of aphids and cabbage moths. They don’t feed on your plants, but feed on the juices of the plant. There are also birds that you can attract that will feed on aphids, like sparrows, starlings and birds.

A tip I got from a chemical disposal near me is another method of protecting your plants from pests is to use centipedes, who are natural predators of slugs and snails.Centipedes will logistically walk through areas that are infested with pests, and will eat them.

Another method is to use a predator that feeds on slugs. Diatomaceous earth is a fine option to control the pest that plagues your garden. This is exactly what happened in my garden, and it was the only way to save my plants from certain death.

Of course, having a clean and pest free garden, means that you want to attract the birds and insects that will help you keep those pests away. You can do this organically, without using global warming products, or using hard chemicals.

Species of birds that you want to attract are bumblebees, cardinals, blackbirds, starlings, earners, buzzards, wrens, and sparrows. You can find these birds at your local birding shop, or even order them online. Gather them on a sunny day, and leave near a window.

Tiny worm creatures called earthworms are a free source of fertilizer for your organic garden. You can actually have earthworms in your garden by creating a “farm” for them to reproduce. Dig a 2 ft. x 2 ft. hole about 3 inches deep, and then throw all the earthworms and their castings into that hole. Each worm will eventually grow its own body size. After they have multiplied, you can scatter them throughout the garden.

Garden bugs are actually a great source of organic fertilizer. Wait till they reproduce or do their own thing. Then you can harvest the critters and use them as a natural source of fertilizer.

Starting Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden for Profit

start an organic garden


If you are new to organic gardening you may be asking yourself, “why should I start a garden for the purpose of growing my own food?”

Besides the obvious reason of saving money (which you can save by growing your own organic vegetables instead of paying the ever-increasing price of produce at the grocery store) there is another reason why many people start a garden.

They discover that there is something therapeutic about working in the dirt to grow vegetables and tending the earth that helps them relax and release stress.

It can be a sense of accomplishment and fresh air, the organic vegetables and herbs that you grow yourself are chemical free, and probably tastes better than anything you’ve ever bought at a grocery store.

It is a great way to get your children involved in growing vegetables and learning more about how things grow. Growing a garden is a great way to teach children responsibility – they are responsible for helping to take care of something that they will be able to harvest.

Should you have children, or even adults, who are picky eaters, a vegetable garden is a great way to incorporate organic vegetables into their diet. Children will be less likely to ask for the items that they do not want when they are growing their own organically.

Let’s face it, the so-called healthy diet has been pretty good for a lot of people for a long time. Even many traditional doctors and dietitians recognize the benefits of vegetables.

Even people who are pondering whether or not they should start an organic garden is worried that doing so is a waste of money. They worry that they will spend more money on the seed and chemicals than they would on the organic vegetables that they could grow themselves.

Some people will even say that they do not trust the commercial growers, as the big companies do not give enough thought to how their practices affect the environment.

The truth on the other hand is that commercial growers do weathersol resell the products that they grow. The smaller family garden will typically not be able to afford the large quantities that big companies produce, resulting in a frustrating situation where the family uses the properties of the commercial growers instead of working with them.

Even though the commercial growers may have more products than they can possibly accommodate, their prices are still much lower than the inviting prices of the family garden.

Is It Really Cost Effective?

Small families, with children, may find that their efforts economically is not as worthwhile as the commercial growers may be.

Children learn responsibility at an early age and we believe that they should help prepare the plants that they are growing. In addition, teaching the responsibility of growing organically will instill in them the appreciation of better health.

Commercial growers pay a lot more than family gardeners for the same crops. This is because they use a lot of their resources to control the pests instead of using natural cures that benefit the crops.

As a result of this, the crops may appear much less healthy to the consumer and may be treated with pesticides that will harm people if consumed.

Is It Possible To Be A Successful Gardener Without Having A Commercial Relationship?

Good question. Even if you have no commitments, you can find ways to be helpful to your neighbor. You can be a gardener and a neighbor. This can be a special time to help out and be creative.

You can join a garden club where you can talk shop with like-minded people. You can even sell your homemade produce, learn about plant hormones and fertilizers and a myriad of other things.

You may even want to consider changing your major. If you love gardens and growing things, then continue on in your chosen major. However, if you want to pursue something professional, you may have to change your major.

Gardening/ landscaping is a wonderful way to make a difference, both in your environment and to your pocket. Finding cheaper ways to get what you need is one of the easier parts of what it takes to be a productive professional.

Maybe you want to sell your home and you want to start a small garden company. To build greenhouses you will need to get a commercial construction permits.  You will need to be attracted to the industry and you will need to strike while the irons of the market are hot. That is how you land your first contract and gets started.

You will need to convince the right clients of your services and this will be done simply by doing good outreach. You will need to create viable packaging systems and feasible schedules and begin collecting customers.

It will take time to build up your client base and in the meantime you will be spending serious money purchasing advertising and promoting products that the clients are not interested in.

Marketing Yourself

Now that you have created a marketing plan to grow your client base, it is time to actually start selling your products. You will need a booth at the show and fence to sell your organic vegetables.