Farming Improvement for 2021

Farming Improvement for 2021

Organic Food Sales

There has been a dramatic increase in land, water and energy costs to produce organic food so it is important to consider this while shopping. Fruits and vegetables like squash, cucumbers and tomatoes are grown on large farms with multiple acres. That means an investment of thousands of dollars for each acre. Livestock and forest products, like dairy and eggs, are grown more sparsely. Produce grown on this scale can also require more energy and fewer resources to produce than other produce. The USDA’s Organic Act defines organic foods as those made without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides or fertilizers. Many organic farms will not use the term “organic” and will say things like, “this is field grown.” . . .


Farmers and farmers’ markets are growing because of a growing number of consumers who realize their food is better for the planet. That’s because organic standards are based on providing the right balance between production and consumption and because producing better food will help prevent greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful pollution. Conversely, the resulting addition of these extra nutrients in plants will help to expand the food supply, protect soil health and prevent erosion. . . .In the last 30 days, Illinois’s Organic Farming Practices Act was strengthened to increase guidance and focus. Volunteers are being hired and funding is being made available to more organic farmers and processors. Removing regulations that make it difficult for families to have access to healthy food doesn’t mean they can resort to buying foods with less attention to the environment. There is plenty of market variety where those regulators were concerned. Whole Foods produces organic 365 Days a Year. Simply upscale, this chain of organic groceries offers a vast array of organically grown food. And in a recent season, Whole Foods also began selling organic sponge cake. Yogurt company Chobani is a household name both among millennials and conscientious consumers.


It serves 30 million customers a month across its five countries and generates $355.5 million in total sales, including organic sales. Unlike some of the food that is imported, Chobani makes products which are both fresher and more nutritious than conventional or chemical alternatives. Researchers from the University of Texas carried out a rigorous 6-week study on the nutritional quality of Chobani foods vs conventional apples — results are published in the journal Nutrition in September. This retail powerhouse is a stark contrast from the high-end markets many consumers are accustomed to in several major urban centers. Chicago’s Stonyfield is an irresistible organic supermarket sheltering difference when compared to typical grocery stores. Its organic fare is even more spectacular: “Our mission is to provide healthier foods for consumers with a focus on food satisfaction,” Stonyfield spokeswoman James Lawrence tells me. “We support our farmers and research institutions through ongoing support, research partnerships and events.” When I call Lawrence to ask about the launch of Chobani’s organic line, she replies with a smile, “Trust me.” . . .Over the last 30 years, Americans’ dietary choices have shifted dramatically toward green. Americans’ intake of an omnivorous diet — which encompasses dairy, fish, plant-based foods, eggs, cereals and soy products — has risen from 4.3 percent of national calories in 1980 to 19.1 percent in 2013, a compound 37 percent increase. In the last five years alone, Americans have accepted more dairy protein (dairy reduced 3 percent,) and more corn (3.3 percent,) than in the previous decade. Ditto for salmon, chicken, spinach, kale and beans — all percent increases in the past five years. So why the sudden surge in interest in organic produce?


Why are specialty stores stocking boxes of kale, sunflower seeds and hummus? Why are the Pulse supermarkets partnered with Esso taris and the Whole Foods environmental team lighting up Facebook and Twitter with talk of the need to reach more customers with their products? The gap between organic food and the “normal” it counters has become so wide our TVs are telling us this. In fact, organic food sales have been comfortably outpacing conventional food sales for more than two decades. But the growing numbers of pregnant and postpartum women are making purely organic foods a great place to start. The organic food industry and its advocates are working hard to make homogenization a thing of the past. “I find we’re talking more about a deeper relationship on the basis of respect and all those important values that follow, not just buying a bunch of food,” says Dave Fleischer from Natural Way Foods, which offers 100 percent organically produced foods. “I see that as an opportunity to continue to make it, grow it, nurture it and offer it to a broader audience.” Still, Fleischer is aware that many consumers are wary. “It’s changed, and organic has changed, forever and ever.

Water Conservation 

I believe what we’ve got to do is work together to market our water truthers and create opportunities for them to become part of the local agriculture community.”

WaterBoard Cooperatives

“WaterBoard Cooperatives” will be one of the most innovative ways to distribute and promote water conservation and reuse in Detroit.

“We aim to ensure that there is affordable, equitable, and sustainable water usage by partnering with Detroit residents, farmers, and urban, suburban and rural organizations to participate in water network. We also press for the first time to achieve a targeted target for community small-scale water and storm water capture projects and planning,” said Michael Lawson, WaterBoard Cooperatives co-founder. “This is a very empowering opportunity that allows us to continue to grow utilizing Detroit’s remaining vacant lots and to stop the diversion of Detroit’s water.

Ackerberg Insights

Localizing & Distributing Lead-Free Water – This map of Project DNA Water District shows that it’s difficult to get water new to a community without a distribution route. Most systems will have a range of distribution options, from a public resource to a private water network. Outfitting a community with water are a good long-term investment, and a necessary hurdle to accomplish.

This map of Project DNA Water District shows that it’s difficult to get water new to a community without a distribution route. Most systems will have a range of distribution options, from a public resource to a private water network. Outfitting a community with water are a good long-term investment, and a necessary hurdle to accomplish. How to prevent lead from leaching into the water from older system: If there’s lead plumbing in the household, the city of Detroit claims communities can fix the problem by repainting the interior of the pipes and taking away old paint.

If there’s lead plumbing in the household, the city of Detroit claims communities can fix the problem by repainting the interior of the pipes, taking away old paint and doing floor removal. As Detroit faces the biggest water crisis in metro Detroit in more than 70 years, can water districts move in to solve it? Can water districts give the city its water back? ‘Yeah, absolutely,’ says [Charles] Pugh. Pittsburgh’s former water regulator [William H. Leitzinger Jr.] looks at the example of Flint, Michigan and hopes that the water system in Detroit’s backyard can pick up the reins and fix the problem.

“The old Keystone gas station [at] Union and Washington [Aves.] lies in ruins, one of many larger abandoned structures that have been stripped of their aqueduct water by the city of Framingham. Through a coordination between the Energy Policy Institute of Massachusetts, Dana Alexander and Fauquier County Public Works, that old gas station—and the 26 available remnants of the original Water Ward network in Framingham—are being transformed into “long-term” means for replacing water infrastructure across the city.”

Flushing your Ammonia facility in the target bay.


Ammonia disinfection flushes away biological bacteria that form when water is held too long at 4 °C (37 °F).

Ammonia is soft and compressible, and is important in reducing flocculation (also called “alkalization”).

In flushing, the water is drained from a holding tank to a tank without a holding tank, where ammonia-containing enzymes are released generation** enzymes from bacteria and enzymes from visible scales (which are parasites).

The swimming inhibiting resins on the algae in sample sediments are yellowish in color, indicative of potential for immersion in water containing extremely low levels of dissolved oxygen in the waste water pool.

Salts are accumulating in the aqueous portion of the sludge, indicating a mechanical flushing.

National Intelligence Plans

‪Nationally, U.S. farmers raised an estimated 322,000 acres (100,000 hectares) of organic crops in 2016, a 693 percent increase since 1987.Supporting paragraph started–brief reference to paragraph 7–end of paragraph. †For historical economic data related to this amendment, see subsequent page of the Office of Management and Budget , Document 1032–1140.EXAMPLE 24—H.R. 3520 (2000)This example could illustrate the applicability of the preceding paragraph to a consolidated report updating the statutory text and standards on congressional and agency use of front-of-package labeling.EXAMPLE 25—S. 1123 (2013)This example could illustrate the applicability of the preceding paragraph to a consolidated report updating the statutory text and standards on congressional and agency use of front-of-package labeling.EXAMPLE 26—H.R. 4737 (2015)This example could illustrate the applicability of the preceding paragraph to a consolidated report updating the statutory text and standards on congressional and agency use of front-of-package labeling.EXAMPLE 27—S. 1140 (2016)This example could illustrate the applicability of the preceding paragraph to a consolidated report updating the statutory text and standards on congressional and agency use of front-of-package labeling.EXAMPLE 28—S. 1175 (2016)This example could illustrate the applicability of the preceding paragraph to a consolidated report updating the statutory text and standards on congressional and agency use of front-of-package labeling.



What are we Doing in the World to Restore Farmlands to Nature?

land degradation due to overfarming


Unfortunately, the US is experiencing a time of constant degradation of land. The problem is that, in most cases, the degradation is deliberate resulting from the action of human beings. Soil erosion is caused by human factors such as cultivation, grazing, and burning. Whereas the current generation is facing many challenges due to the impact of climate change, it is the future generation which has a lot to lose from the same.

Farmers, average Americans, local authorities, and the federal government are in consensus that something must be done in order to address the issue of climate change. At the center of this is the need utilize viable and sustainable practices which are going to restore the farmlands to nature.

This article illuminates the sensitive issue of the degradation of the farmlands and what Americans and the world are doing in order to restore the farmlands to nature.

Sustainable Agriculture

The intensification and expansion of agricultural land has been blamed for the significant environmental change that has been observed in recent years. Farmers and agri-business professionals realize that in order to realize optimal profits, they do not have an option but to embark on large-scale farming. This means that they have to poach for more land, including forested land and any other natural eco-system. The change in land cover (for instance, from a forest to agricultural land), alters the natural habitation of land, interferes with the water supply, and affects the conditions of the soil.

Agriculture has played an important role in sustaining livelihoods. In the US, a lot of young people would rather go to the city, rather than staying in the rural areas in order to farm. It is estimated that the US has 2.6 million farmers. Whereas this is a very small population, there are a lot of jobs which arise from the farming industry and the related industries. Therefore, the US cannot afford to compromise such jobs. There have to be a way of keeping the jobs, and at the same time, restoring the jobs to nature. Africa and Asia has a significant population of farmers. Such farmers are heavily affected by climate change.

Having stated that, the farmlands can, as a matter of fact, be restored to their former status. It is about an ecological restoration to the pre-disturbed state. The ecosystem can be restored in terms of composition, structure, and function. The modern agricultural practices can meet the needs of the current generations without compromising the needs of the future generation. There is a strong possibility of continued production without compromising the quality of the environment.

tree planting

Planting Trees

Cutting down of tress has an adverse effect on the climate change of a country. When the population cuts down trees, higher levels of carbon are released into the atmosphere. The International Union of the Conservation of Nature has cried foul over the cutting down of trees at the global level. Simply put, forested land is now lost. As far as the food production continues, forested cover is not going to be re-gained easily.

Planting trees has long been used as an effective tool of reclaiming the farmlands. When farmers accept to plant trees in their farms, they will benefit from better climatic conditions. In addition to that, they are going to have a reliable source of timber, fuel, and food. A few types of trees are rare in nature, and provide a medical value to the population. Benefits of planting trees include the following: increased water use, habitat restoration, erosion control, carbon sequestration, bio-energy production, and wood production.

Planting of trees is good for the environment, but it has to be accompanied by discouraging cutting down of trees. If trees are planted, and at the same time, are cut down in massive scale, then it is an act of futility. Even with modern agricultural practices, trees take many years to go. Therefore, planting of trees has to be accompanied by a sustained campaign to discourage cutting down of trees.

Even urban areas are trying to do their part.  A Connecticut restaurant company is incorporating modern restaurant design with trees being planted within the restaurant making the restaurant a green initiative.

Combination of Agriculture and Bio-diversity

Most of the Americans hold that it is not possible between agricultural production,. The fact is that it is possible to make a balanced combination between agriculture and biodiversity. The cropping system can be simplified in order to accommodate the needs of the environment. Farmers do not have to see nature as a threat to their economic activities. The two can go hand in hand. It just requires some compromise.


organic farm

Less Use of Chemicals

In many cases, farmers have to use chemicals in order to realize optimal yields. Whereas this is good for agricultural production, it may have a detrimental effect on the climatic conditions. Pesticides and fertilizers, upon finding their way to the sources of water, encourage geometrical growth of algae. This leads to fish kills, and low oxygen up the streams.

The issue of the use of chemicals in the American farms has a historical perspective. Decades ago, the concern of the farmer was how best to increase the yield of the farm without any concern on the watershed. Today, the farmers are more informed about the complex relationship between the environment and agriculture, and want to be pro-active in the restoration of the environment.

Some farmers place a large quantity of fertilizer in fall, stating that it would be ready for agriculture by the time spring comes. Farmers are avoiding such practices now. Today, farmers are sensitive to the possibility of leaching. Today, fertilizer is placed in a way that it would not leach, thereby protecting the environment and at the same time, reaping the best from agriculture.

Farmers are seeking alternative methods rather than the use of fertilizer year after year. The use of bone meal is an ideal alternative to the use of fertilizers. Bone meal is a byproduct of meat processing factories. It is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorous, and it is not difficult to get. Cottonseed meals can also be used as a fertilizer. However, farmers with very large farms may not find such alternatives viable and sustainable, but they are worth a trial all the same. The farmer can also explore the possibility of natural methods such as the use of manure.

Market Mechanisms

The modern consumer is more informed, and is looking for accountability when making the decision to support business. A consumer is going to ask questions a number of questions concerning the supply value chain. Consumers want to engage with businesses that support sustainable agricultural practices. In addition to that, the consumers are going to shy away from businesses which contribute to the degradation of the environment. When the consumers demand accountability, then the environment is going to be improved.

Businesses should support the initiatives on managing the farmlands, and the restoration thereon. This can be done through various methods, corporate social responsibility for instance. This can be done as a one-time donation, or a long-term program.

modern agricultural practices

Seeking Help and Giving Help

Individual farmers can invite the experts on the decision to be more sensitive to their agricultural practices. The good news is that the help is now more available. As a farmer, all you need to write down the resources that you need in order to create a sustainable ecosystem, and make some phone calls to people who can assist you. Another alternative is to create a formal proposal and apply for funding.

However, as you make your plans and little efforts for restoring farmlands, note that some states are going to have some forms of restrictions on what you can do, much as it is your farm. Therefore, it is critical that you operate within the law in order to avoid problems in the future. Also, bear in mind that some of your projects you might undertake might impact others, in both the positive or negative way. Therefore, consult widely before taking any action. For example, a watershed coordinator can help you assess how your farming practices are going to affect others.

You need to consider in participating in community activities which help in managing the environment. Remember, if you take care of land, then the land is going to take care of you and the future generation. Organizations such as the Green Belt Movement do roll out tree planting opportunities, and play a critical role in mobilizing the community.

Many people think that philanthropy is for the highly successful people, and that, philanthropy is all about money. You can give a lot of money if you are willing and you are able. But otherwise, think about changing the world in small ways. Participate in advocacy and give your time. If you are an expert in land restoration, write a letter to your governor stating what you think about the direction that the environmental policy is taking.

The Importance of Policy

Farmers are not going to manage to restore the farmlands alone; they must be supported by the right policy. For example, activities in agro-forestry are tossed around between different state organs, making it difficult to have a streamlined course of action. Important decisions are going to be made in a streamlined environment where roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

It should be noted that measures that help in managing climate change require a lot of funding. In such a case then, private citizens and local authorities may not afford such funding requirements due to the restriction in capital.

During the formulation of policy, stakeholders must be sure to seek the opinion of the people on the ground. These are the best to contribute to policy because of the first-hand knowledge that they have. If a team is preparing policy on a certain issue, it can, for example, consult the following:

-A local farmer

-A consumer who is located in the neighborhood

-A lecturer in agriculture

-A teacher in agriculture

-A student of agriculture

-People living near a water-catchment area

-People who have been affected by flooding

-Wildlife staff

American policy makers should learn a lesson from India which is done a commendable job in addressing the various challenges involving land degradation, and consequently, climate change. In September, 2019, Prime Minister Narendera Modi stated that the country would raise the quantity of land which is going to be rehabilitated, from 21 million hectares to an impressive 26 million hectares. This ambitious initiative would be carried out between 2019 and 2030.

The Bonn Challenge is a global initiative where global leaders committed themselves to the restoration of 150 million hectares by 2020, and 350 million hectares by the year 2030. Even though such a challenge is not easy to achieve, it gives the countries the necessary impetus. In addition to that, such campaigns are very important in ensuring that there is sensitivity and awareness on the issue of farmlands and the need for their restoration.

destruction of farmland

The Importance of Measurement

The government has to invest more in measuring the impact of the destruction of farmlands, and how such a phenomenon contributes to better climatic conditions. In particular, there should be measurement of land degradation in a well informed and systematic way. Stakeholders have to invest more in understanding carbon levels and soil health.

Again, such data and information should be portrayed to the average American in a way that he or she can understand. The right strategy in the dissemination of information plays a critical role in ensuring that the population is pro-active and takes part in bring the much needed change. Optimal measurement practices contribute to the making of sound policy.


Americans should make a renewed commitment to the issue of restoring farmlands. This is good for both the present and the future generation. The restoration of farmlands should be a concerted effort between the farmers, the citizens, the local authorities, and the federal government. This is not going to take a short time, and it will require that the Americans are patient in order to observe results. Overall, restoration of the farmlands plays a critical role in managing climate change.

Why Concrete Shower Panels Should be Used in a Farm or Ranch showers

concrete shower


Concrete shower paneling has become popular for a number of reasons, many of which are shared with traditional concrete showers. However, concrete shower panels are a definite step up from the traditional concrete walls you find in hospitals and prisons. Let’s learn why concrete shower panels should be used in farm or ranch showers.


Most farms and ranches are cash-poor. This means you can’t afford to waste money on infrastructure if there are cheaper, effective solutions. Don’t rely on unsanitary shower curtains and flimsy plastic partitions. Invest in concrete showers that will handle use and abuse for years. They’re also faster and thus cheaper to install than tile walls. It is the better, overall value.

concrete shower panels


Concrete shower panels are popular in public facilities like gym showers and hospitals. They lack the grout grooves and gaps in the floor that allow mold and mildew to grow in residential showers. This makes them much more hygienic, too, since blood and other bodily fluids can’t accumulate. This makes concrete panels the best choice for farm and ranch showers. That’s true whether you’re washing off after walking through a cattle feed lot or rinsing off animals themselves.

A side benefit of concrete shower walls is that they are easy to clean. Just hose off. If necessary, wipe down with cleaning wipes or sponges. You can scrub them down with hard brushes if necessary without damaging them. That’s a point in their favor over glass shower walls or plastic barriers. They’re also impervious to industrial strength cleaning chemicals. If you’re afraid of spreading hoof and mouth disease through contact with infected feces, you’re able to thoroughly sanitize both the stalls where animals get rinsed off and the worker’s showers.

concrete shower walls

Affordable Style and Design Options

Many people recommend concrete walls and floors because you can mix in coloring agents to make it look like stone. Or you could use a mix of coloring agents and stencils to make it resemble tile. A different point in favor of concrete panels is that you can build in grooves, small shelves and soap holders. Everything is as durable as the original concrete panel and as easily cleaned. Install steps or seats for a fraction of the cost of building one out of stone, and it is as sanitary as the floors and walls. You can even have it made out of the same color or a different color, such as when you want a sharp color contrast between the concrete shower seat and the floor.

Or have the shower floor match the color of the rest of the floor in your living quarters. For example, you can use concrete panels to install a shower in the corner of a small residential building. You’ll only need to put in moisture resistant drywall, install the necessary plumbing, mount the wall panels, seal the joints and the floor, and you’re good to go. It will be much less conspicuous than adding a traditional shower pan and stall to the corner of a bunk house. It will also take up a lot less space.

A side benefit is the natural fit between concrete shower panels and minimalist glass wall shower stalls, if you want to mix and match. Or install a shower corner with an open floor drain. This can maximize convenience and accessibility while making the entire space feel more open. That is a definite plus when you decide to rent out worker housing as a guest house to earn extra money.