Beware When Using Herbicides

Dangers of Herbicides


When used appropriately and according to direction, herbicides can be a useful and necessary way to control problems in the garden. Too many homeowners and gardeners use herbicides without due consideration for alternative methods of managing problems, and end up killing off plants and damage from other gardening mistakes.

Make sure you fully understand the directions and precautions on the product before using it. Depending on the vegetation being managed, burning it off into the air is not usually the best way to kill the weeds. This also applies to dusting the plants with chemicals, which can have the same result. However, there are some inorganic chemicals that can be used as a way to quickly kill the weeds and burn up the vegetation. These are usually absorbed by the plant in the same way that sunlight or water absorbed by the plant. Because the weed is dead, it will decompose with the water and food nutrients that are in the soil and replace those in the plant. These are normally applied as a dusting application and limited to a few areas of the garden.

However, herbicides are also a necessary evil when attempting to control unwanted vegetation in the garden. If not used properly, they can burn out the plants; burn them alive instead of just killing them. Depending on the type of vegetation in your garden, you may need to use more than one type of herbicide in order to get the desired results.

Plants such as marigolds and dill are members of the members of the daisy family. They are considered annuals, meaning that they must be replanted every year, if you care about them. If you planted marigolds for culinary uses, you may want to plant them out their whole season and use a less harsh chemical herbicide.

Companion plantings between vegetables, herbs and flowers, as well as berries and roots of trees offer protection for the plants and help them grow stronger and more resistant to disease.

thrips is a problem that can be controlled by using insecticides with caution. If you see bugs hovering around your plants, pick them off with a regular garden knife or even a dipper.

The worst enemy of the rose bush is fungus. So, at all times, keep a watchful eye on your plants. If you find telltale signs early, you may be able to prevent the entire plant from becoming afflicted with a fungus infection.

Each year, a number of rose growers will take part in trials to determine the best way to treat their roses. Wet soil and moderate sun can help the shoots of the plant to grow without much damage.

The trials are RivĀ“s Way at Cedaridge Farm for those rose growers out there who questions the usefulness of grafting. More and more people now wants to graft roses and even those who formerly had been reluctant to graft.

The advantage of going through with the transplant is that you will increase the density of your plant. What this means is that your plant will produce more flowers. What a great way to get rid of dead or dying flowers. By not allowing the plant to divide itself, you will increase the vigor of the plant. This will ensure that you have a larger number of flowers over the season.

This wonderful intervention created by a Chemical Waste Disposal Georgia company will also provide protection from Black spot and mildew.

Many gardeners will tell you that for the best propagation you will graft rose cuttings. Not only will you increase the density of your plant, you will also get rid of the dead or dying flowers and thus expand your plant. Roses are very romantic and having them multiplying creates a beautiful color effect.

While some gardeners may be grafted to a specific disease resistant rootstock, such as the vigorous Knock-Out Rose, even that does not provide the same level of protection as the weeping or climbing rose plants.